Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Today while Rachel was cycling I was walking/running. I just perused the website given by my daughter as I didn't know what anaerobic was. I ran three different times for five minutes and now know I was building musccle. Yeh me, yeh muscle!
After dinner Rachel suggested a walk...which I wasn't thrilled about because I thought I was super tired. Low-and-behold after finishing our walk I mowed my lawn, pulled weeds and weed wacked.
My energy level has definitely increased. I am thrilled, thrilled, and more thrilled about that!

1 comment:

  1. Judy! I love reading about your active summer!!! Hope you are having fun, I'm so thrilled for you, keep up the great work...and don't kill the 'trainer'!! Hope to see your smilin' face soon!! TERI
