Saturday, August 27, 2011

Fitness 24 Hours

Rachel's friend Denise asked if I wanted to attend the Body Pump class at the Jordan Landing 24 Hour Fitness (shameless plug).
So, I went sort of with her. This class was MUCH better than the other. The people, although in better shape than me, seemed more concerned about their health than their big hair.
I added 2 1/2 pounds to my weights today and felt 'the burn', or maybe more of a scalding. Can I just say again, I hate lunges.....these knees don't want to bend!
Still don't know what muscles she's talking about when she says deltoids and when she says squeeze your glutes I don't know if she means legs, stomach or butt. So, I just try to look intelligent and squeeze any and everything squeezable. Hopefully some sort of muscle will eventually form somewhere on my body.

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